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Navigation, Paddle Boarding and Coasteering: Outdoor Instructor Training 2016/17 – Week 3

Last week we started to introduce you to the 16 trainees undertaking the course and go over the qualifications they are starting to gain.

Land & Wave Outdoor Instructor Training – People, Places and Activities

We’re fast approaching the end of Week 3 of the 14-week Outdoor Instructor Training course and it’s been flying by.


Last week we started to introduce you to the 16 trainees undertaking the course and go over the qualifications they are starting to gain. We’ll be introducing you to 4 more today and going over the adventures of the last week. We’ve been getting stuck in to developing the skills they started on in week 2 and progressing them to become leaders.

  • Paddle Boarding – BCU
  • Navigation – South West Mountain & Moorlands (SWMM)
  • Coasteering 

Navigation – South West Country & Coast (SWMM)

The South West Mountain & Moorlands award allows the trainees to learn navigational skills which will mean they can take groups out on trips such as Duke of Edinburgh trips and other expeditions. Over the last two weeks we’ve been making the most of the Purbeck Isle by exploring Godlingston Heath and Wareham Forest.


We got them started with reading maps, basic compass skills and being on their feet for a while! Putting them through their paces (literally) last week were Paul Taylor, David Mutton and past AIT graduate and BTEC teacher Kirsty Chapman. Today they headed out with David, Jack and past AIT graduate Jason Roberts to explore Wareham Forest. See their route below.


Paddle Boarding – BCU

This week was the first time our trainees were introduced to the Paddle Boarding BCU Qualification. Unfortunately the wind wasn’t on our side meaning we couldn’t go out in the bay, however we headed to our local scout centre and used their lake to get them on their feet. They also had the chance to have a go on our new Jumbo SUP and even time to complete the Manequin Challenge. Next week we’ll be heading to the beach hopefully (wind prevailing) and putting the techniques they learnt into motion.

9 People paddle boarding on a Jumbo SUP


We kicked off this week with some coasteering, last Friday we had started focusing on building their personal skills and on the principals of C.L.A.P:

Communication, Line of Sight, Avoidance of hazards and Position of Usefulness

They carried this on foundation and continued to develop their Coasteering Leader Skills. Due to a super low tide they discovered some new caves and ledges. Along the journey they came across a mysterious sea creature and thanks to the people of Facebook’s help were able to diagnose it as ‘Elephants Ear Sponge’. Amongst the discovery the group also started their rescue training and practiced water safety techniques.


This week we’re introducing you to 4 more trainees on the Accelerated Instructor Training 2016 Course…


Ray Lee – 26

Why you choose the course?: I had a background working at outdoor centres but they didn’t offer any training options. I really wanted to gain qualifications in the field to further my career and found Land & Wave to be the perfect fit for what I was looking for.

Favourite Activity: Coasteering & Climbing – I’ve enjoyed everything we’ve done so far but they’ve definitely been my stand outs.

What are you enjoying most about the course?: Learning and developing new skills more every day. We’re learning so much with each day of the course and the progress is definitely there to see.


Fenella Juliff – 21

Why did you choose the course?: I heard about the course through a friend who did it last year and thought it sounded like the one for me. I did a diploma in sports and wanted to move into the industry. I eventually want to end up as an instructor in New Zealand and this is a great way to do that.

Favourite Activity: Coasteering and Kayaking. Even after gaining some serious blisters from a mammouth Kayak journey it’s definitely one of my favourites.

What are you enjoying most about the course?: I think the intense practical side to the course has been great. We’re really getting into personal development by being out in the field everyday.


Jonny Rogers – 27

Why did you choose the course?: I’d looked around for a long time for this type of course and this one always came up the best. As I was relocating from South Africa for the course I had to be really sure and in terms of qualifications it was exactly what I was looking for.

Favourite Activity: I’d have to say all of them. I really want to carry on after the course and work up to 5* in my paddling so have really enjoyed that side of the course.

What are you enjoying most about the course?: Everyday is jam packed and very active. We’re actually out there learning, failing and trying again. We’re not just sat in a classroom which is exactly what I was looking for.


Erin Ingles – 24

Why did you choose the course?: I took Sport Exercise & Business at University and wanted to get a practical job in the field. After looking at courses locally to me I decided this was the best suited to me and what I want career wise.

Favourite Activity: Coasteering & Climbing. It was my first time Climbing  and I’ve been really enjoying learning something entirely new.

What are you enjoying about the course the most?: The instructors have been really great and full of knowledge that they pass on in so many ways.

As always, there’s plenty to see on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

AIT16 #OutdoorInstructor #MakeTheChange

18 November 2016 by Phoebe Webster

We’ve been getting stuck in to developing the skills they started on in week 2 and progressing them to become leaders

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