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The Institute for Outdoor Learning – Looking for Outdoor Jobs. IOL Jobs

The Institute for Outdoor Learning is a registered charity - it offers it's organisational members (like Land & Wave) the opportunity to advertise jobs for free or very cheaply.

IOL (The Institute for Outdoor Learning) – Outdoor and Adventure Jobs

IOL or Institute for Outdoor Learning website is the best place to look for good jobs in the outdoor/ adventure sector, almost every outdoor job that’s worth applying for will be advertised on

About IOL – Institute for Outdoor Learning

The Institute for Outdoor Learning’s mission is to “Increase participation in Outdoor Learning in the UK and to recognise and improve the quality of Outdoor Learning in the UK.”

The Institute for Outdoor Learning is a registered charity – it offers it’s organisational members (like Land & Wave) the opportunity to advertise jobs for free or very cheaply. Some of the other websites we use to advertise jobs  cost us hundreds of pounds for each advert!

IOL - Institute for Outdoor Learning

Job Hunting with IOL

Because the IOL offers its members cheap or free job adverts those members will always choose to advertise jobs on the IOL website first. Often it’s the only place that we need to advertise Jobs.

The Institute for Outdoor Learning Jobs and Career Pages are well organised and easy to navigate, necessary information is shown clearly and jobs are laid out in a considered manner that makes the site easy to use.

IOL - Institute for Outdoor Learning Jobs

Companies advertising jobs on will choose to place their advert in one of the designated headings within the jobs section.

Most of the jobs advertised on the site fall within the Instructor/ Practitioner designation. There can be hundreds of job adverts for instructors on the site depending on the time of year.

There are far fewer management positions advertised through IOL but when senior roles do arise they are almost advertised through the site.

IOL don’t police the job adverts to make sure that all the jobs advertised meet current legislation, they don’t have the resources; we recommend using as a tool to find potential jobs then checking the details yourself.

There’s some great information about employment legislation and workers rights here: /blog/wages-outdoor-industry/

IOL job listing

The IOL site isn’t well know for training courses but does advertise some:

The Institute for Outdoor Learning is really good at promoting high quality outdoor and adventure:

The Institute for Outdoor Learning also facilitates conferences, seminars and courses that allow outdoor professionals to share good practice: is the best place to go if you’re looking for good outdoor instructor jobs, we can’t think of another website that might advertise jobs that wont appear on the The Institute for Outdoor Learning website.

If you’re looking for an outdoor instructor job save it in your favourites bar and visit it often.

Top Tip – If you see a job that you really like the look of apply as soon as possible. Lots of jobs will be filled as soon as the company adverting finds a great applicant (sometimes deadline dates don’t mean a lot).

Land & Wave are based in Dorset – we specialise in very high quality outdoor education and adventure.

We provide Outdoor Instructor Training which we’re really proud of.

IOL or Institute for Outdoor Learning website is the best place to look for good jobs in the outdoor/ adventure sector

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