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Introducing Trainee Instructor: James Feist aged 18

"It's an amazing chance to get around not just the country but the world and it was an opportunity to do what I love"

Introducing James Feist, another one of our trainee instructors and a man of many words!

​Name: James Feist 

Age​: 18​

What were you​ doing before the instructor course?

I was working as a lifeguard

Why did you choose the Land & Wave instructor course?

Being a trainee instructor gave me an amazing chance to get around not just the country but the world and it was an opportunity to do what I love 

Has the course lived up to your expectations?

Yes and more! 

Has anything been better?

The rock climbing and canoeing was a lot better than I anticipated 

What have you most enjoyed about the course?

Rock climbing, canoeing and power boating! 

What do you want to after the course?

I’d like to work for Land & Wave for a season to further develop my skills

Back shot of trainee instructor, James Feist wearing a backpack while standing next to a gate overlooking fields on a murky day

Land and Wave HQ is based in Swanage on the Isle of Purbeck.

I’d like to work for Land & Wave for a season to further develop my skills

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