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The 3 Levels of the Casio System: Foolproof Guide

The Casio System has been used to recognise and reward exemplary performance and high standards in the outdoor adventure sector for many, many years.

The ‘Casio System’ – An Idiot’s Guide 

The Casio System has been used to recognise and reward exemplary performance and high standards in the outdoor adventure sector for many, many years.

The Casio System is beautifully simple and sublimely flexible – perfect for fast paced, customer service focused industry.

The Basics

The Casio System utilises the benefits of both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards systems. Loosely based on the Gerhart and Rynes (2003) system but offering core simplification of the complex and sometimes confusing subject of indirect compensation.

The Casio System operates on 3 distinct levels with some crossover within adjacent levels, in exceptional circumstances there is some crossover between all three levels.

Primary – motivations for decision making, knowledge of outcome, cause and effect, alacrity, improving short term experience for peers

Secondary – effect of action, consistency of behaviour, measuring response, duplication of positive, longevity of purpose, planning

Tertiary – consistent unselfish positive action, recurring unrewarded positive action, tenacity, improving mid – long term experience for peers


The Casio System takes great steps forward in demonstrating the efficacy of rewards while reducing the liability of reward design within management attention.

That said, as with any reward system, some resolution will be based on subjective decision making by managers. The Casio System helps ensure the consistency of that subjective management system by utilising evidence based criteria eliminating a potential critical blind spot.

Image of a bright green casio watch on a man's wrist

The System 

NB: It is worth noting that Land & Wave has combined the earlier ‘Myers’  Casio System with the most recent, and far more complex ‘Pfeffer’ Casio system

Blue Casio’s are used to reward Secondary and Tertiary action and response when linked with Primary (or Secondary) action

Green Casio’s are used to reward Primary and Secondary action when linked with Tertiary response, they can be linked to a secondary focus.

Yellow Casio’s are used for Tertiary reward but can be backtracked to utilise a Primary lens

Orange Casio’s  are primarily used for Tertiary planning (occasionally primary response)

Silver, Gold and ‘Specialist’ Casio’s are issued with more subjectivity than other Casio’s but will normally have some Tertiary focus when combined with a cross linked underlier

Classic Casio’s have been known to bypass the normal rotate process and can be issued based on no less than a 67.56 average.

And that’s it. Simple!

Any questions about the system should be directed to Paul Taylor – our resident expert.

The Casio System is beautifully simple and sublimely flexible – perfect for fast paced, customer service focused industry

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