Embracing a Career Change can 100% Improve Your Mental and Physical Well-Being
For us, it was Outdoor Instructor training
They say that the modern worker will have up to seven different career changes throughout their working life. Most of us know what it’s like to leave a job you don’t like behind…do you remember the first job you ever had? The early morning paper round or the late night dish washing. You probably don’t miss it and you’re probably thankful that those times are a long way behind you now. When was the last time you stopped to check in on your current career position though?

Happy at Work?
Are you happy? That’s a difficult question. That’s the one you get confronted with by the guy in the pub who your friend bought to introduce to the group and everyone else has managed to escape and leave you with. You don’t want to answer that question but why don’t you? It’s the most basic of human needs — happiness — and yet maybe it’s something that you haven’t stopped to consider for years.

No really… Does your career make you happy?
Your current job is comfortable. You’re well paid and your colleagues are nice. You’ve got a little routine going and you’ve settled in. But are you happy? Sorry, I’ve asked it again but it is an important question. After all, the average person spends a third of their life at work. Is this the life you wanted when you were younger? Why won’t the pub man leave you alone?

Everyone deserves to be happy and everyone deserves to be healthy but did you know that the two are actually intrinsically linked to one another. Checking in on yourself isn’t some hippy dippy act, it’s a medical necessity like trimming your nails or eating a banana. Your mental well-being directly effects your physical well-being.
How your work choice can affect your health
We all know that stress causes countless health issues. Every day life as we know it is more stressful than it has ever been before. Our lives today are so over-stimulated by social media and being bombarded with so much information about the world that our background levels of stress are exponentially increasing. But there are ways to manage this and there are choices that you can make in your life and in your career that can help reduce your levels of stress. Once you become in control of your stress levels not only will you become happier but you will also become healthier.

If you’re starting to feel down at work or if that little niggle in your back just won’t go away then why don’t you consider a career change? It might sound scary I know but the act of setting a new challenge in itself can actually help you to reduce your stress levels. How do you really want to be spending your time? Do you really want to wait until you retire in order to be spending all of your time doing exactly what you want to do?
When I grow up I want to be a….
Think back to your childhood. What did you dream of doing when you were getting up early to pick up that stack of newspapers (except for going back to sleep)? Where did you see yourself heading? Starting your own company? Driving a race car? Going to the moon? Trekking through jungles? Kayaking through flooded caves? Well, some of those options might not be as far out of reach as you think.
Work outside for health and happiness
The Outdoor Adventure market in the UK is growing. Since the pandemic, more and more people are realising the value of time spent exploring the great outdoors. But who is going to show them around? People need to be lead and you could be the perfect person for the job. It is a natural human instinct to escape to the great outdoors and now it is also a viable career option. Check out these jobs to get an idea of some of the options available to you right now.

Be the most interesting person in the room
Think of the most interesting people in your life. Aren’t they the people who’s eyes light up every time they talk about their work? You can become that person. Become the leader, the adventurer. Your work doesn’t have to be dragging you down, it can lift you up.
Instead of letting work add to your levels of stress, you could make it the part of your life that reduces that stress. By choosing to work outdoors you are choosing to live a fuller life, a life more in touch with nature and a life truer to your basic human instincts.
You can work between the waves instead of the walls. You can work amongst the squirrels instead of the office squabbles. Imagine the possibilities. This is a realistic option available to you right now.

Outdoor careers – work for well-being
Outdoor Adventure is a growing industry and you can be part of that growth. The great outdoors is waiting for you, holding your next career in its hands. You can be the leader you always dreamt you would be. Show people the way. Light the fire. Take the leap.

Ready for a career change?
If you’re feeling inspired and want to take immediate action you can read about our Outdoor Instructor Training course here. Our course is the perfect adventure to set your life in a new and exciting direction. We will teach you invaluable, transferable skills that can be used to kickstart your new career in the Outdoor Adventure industry. It is the perfect way to maintain the momentum building up within you that will lead you to a happier and healthier life. It is also completely free to book in to attend one of regular open days. Come along to meet the people who’ve taken the leap you’re looking at.