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Thursday Ladies Night Paddle Boarding at Sandbanks

Grab your friends and come down and spend an evening paddling along Sandbanks stunning coastline.
paddle boarding ladies

Join us for a summer of paddle boarding! We’re declaring every Thursday night, Ladies night. Come down to our Sandbanks HQ for an evening of getting to grips with the UK’s fastest growing water sport.

Grab your friends and come down and spend an evening paddling along Sandbanks stunning coastline. Tickets are £12 per person with all kit and instructors provided, dates are available all throughout the summer:

  • 18th August
  • 25th August
  • 1st September
  • 8th September
  • 15th September

Sessions start at 6.30pm – 8.30pm every week.

Pre book your Paddle Boarding session online to avoid disappointment

Join the growing community on Facebook for all the up to date information on what’s happening week to week. We’ll have special announcements coming for some of the evenings, so keep your eye out for the details! If we have spaces left on the day we’ll post to let you know so you don’t miss out on the action!

group paddle boarding

02 August 2016 by Phoebe Webster

Come down to our Sandbanks HQ for an evening of getting to grips with the UK’s fastest growing water sport

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