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The best of Dorset wildlife

The Northern Raven is the largest member of the crow family. Remarkably intelligent, these corvids have a distinctive diamond-shaped tail and can often be seen somersaulting and swooping above our coasteering sites on the Dorset coast.

Written by Ross Packman

Join Land & Wave for an epic adventure and you could have an encounter with the best of our Dorset wildlife.

Dorset wildlife you could see on one of our adventures

1. Northern Raven (Corvus Corax) Raving sitting on Tree

Familiar to Game of Thrones fans, the Northern Raven is the largest member of the crow family. Remarkably intelligent, these corvids have a distinctive diamond-shaped tail and can often be seen somersaulting and swooping above our coasteering sites on the Dorset coast.

Coasteering shot taken from under water showing a man preparing to jump into the sea from the cliff to illustrate article on Dorset Wildlife.

2. Grey Seal (Halichoerus Grypus)

One of two species of seal native to the British Isles, Grey Seals possess a distinctive ‘roman’ nose and can grow up to ten feet long. They’re one of the most outgoing of the Dorset wildlife, Land and Wave paddlers have previously been joined on journeys by Swanage’s own ‘Ronseal’, who has even been known to hitch a ride on a kayak!

3. Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus)

A large blue-grey bird of prey inhabiting the high Purbeck cliffs, the Peregrine Falcon holds the impressive title of fastest animal on Earth. ‘Stooping’ on their prey from above, the Peregrine has been recorded reaching 242mph!

4.Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula Arctica

Sharp-eyed coasteerers at our Dancing Ledge site might be fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of one of the Puffins that make a summer visit to the area. Famous for their brilliantly coloured beaks, Puffins mate for life and make their nests in cliff crevices and old rabbit burrows, before returning to life on the wing throughout the winter months.

5.Skylark (Alauda Arvensis)

Considered a ‘Red List’ species by the RSPB, Skylarks are still a welcome sight and sound in Land and Wave country. These small, ground-nesting birds rise almost vertically in flight and their distinctive song is the perfect accompaniment to any Dorset adventure.

Land & Wave activities include: sea kayaking, paddle boarding, coasteering, bushcraft & more. 

About the author

Environmentalist. @roscopackman Outdoor Instructor. @JurassicMags /@LymeMagazine Writer.@ForgottenPaths Hiker.

14 July 2016 by Rosie Tanner

Join Land & Wave for an epic adventure in Dorset

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