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Hill Walking is great for the Mind and Body

It’s not just the physical exercise you get with mountain walking. There’s the impact on your whole sense of well being especially when you see those great views and draw in that fresh air.

Why Hill Walking is Great For the Mind and Body

We all know that exercise is good for us. At Land & Wave in Dorset, we provide an environment where even absolute beginners have the opportunity to get back in touch with nature, engage in some meaningful exercise and recharge those batteries.

There’s a lot to be said for getting out into the countryside and climbing a few hills. It’s something that lots of people do and has long been one of the most popular pastimes in the UK.

It’s not just the physical exercise you get with hill walking. There’s an impact on your whole sense of well-being especially when your immersed in an incredible landscape with great views and breathing in that fresh air. Fortunately, the UK has lots of superb locations to rise above it all; Scotland,Wales, The Lakes – even the rolling hills of Dorset.

Hill walking at early dusk

It’s a Great Aerobic Workout

Hill walking is one of the best aerobic activities that you can do, consistent effort over the whole day; a few miles of walking will give you a dopamine hit, make you feel de-stressed and refreshed AND give you that tired, content, fuzzy post mountain feeling.

Walking up hill works on all muscle groups you’d expect such as your legs and core, it also gets that heart beating and the blood flowing. If you go mountain walking regularly, you are more likely to have a lower blood pressure, stable blood sugar levels and improved lung capacity.

There’s certainly plenty of evidence that hiking as an individual or with a group is great for reducing stress or anxiety. All you really need to get out and about is a decent pair of trekking shoes and a good location.

Photo Credit: Matt Hardy Photography

It’s Brilliant for Brain Function and the Heart

  • According to some research, regular hill walking can boost your creativity and problem-solving ability by as much as 50%.
  • Just a 20-minute hike has the potential to lower the stress hormone cortisol by just over 13%.
  • Not only that, one walk in the mountains for about 3 hours a week can significantly reduce your risk of developing heart disease and having a stroke.

It’s Free

Walking is free. You can do it absolutely anywhere. Most areas have a mountain or hill that is just waiting to be walked up and you don’t have to wait for permission. It’s an activity that gives you real a sense of achievement, a journey that includes a peak or two is brilliant.

We are so often surrounded by technology, distraction, frustration and concrete, it does the heart and soul lots of good to get out into the great outdoors. 

If you are not as fit as you could be, start slow, build up, invest in some trekking poles and give it time – you’ll get where you want to be.

Why Not Try Some Coasteering?

If you fancy something that’s also loads of fun you could try a spot of coasteering; climbing along the rocky fore shore, swimming, jumping and experiencing a unique place to be.

If you are really looking for a full-body workout and something a little different this is an adventure activity you should give a go.

Our main coasteering location is Dancing Ledge near Swanage – it’s a brilliant place for adventure, exploring and jumping in the sea and we regularly get families, groups and individuals having a go.

We provide you with the wetsuit, helmet, protective gloves and buoyancy aid and you’re supported by fully trained staff. Yes, it’s a little challenging on occasion but that’s part of the joy of it. 

You’ll  leave with a smile on your face and the feeling that you’ve just done something really amazing.

Want to find out more about coasteering at Land & Wave?

12 December 2019 by Owen Senior

There’s a lot to be said for getting out into the countryside and climbing a few hills. It’s something many of us do and is probably one of the most popular pastimes in the UK.

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