Gear Review | Hydro Flask | Land & Wave
This Winter the lovely folk over at Hydro Flask gave us a batch of 24oz flasks with Small Flex Boots, the ‘boots’ offer a bit of protection for the base of the flask and make them easier to tell apart when 40 people are testing them!
We spend every day working in the great outdoors. Outdoor Instructors throw themselves into the sea, stomp up mountains and kayak down rivers; we have tested these flasks very, very thoroughly!

Our crew only have good things to say about Hydro Flasks, some people are opting to keep things simple and fill their flasks with water which stays chilled all day long.
Some people are being more imaginative and are going for a sugary pick me up in the form of hot squash or hot chocolate (essential for those colder winter days in the sea).
Our extensive non scientific research has, after 15 weeks of testing, revealed cold stuff stays cold and hot stuff stays hot – pretty perfect. As we spend the majority of our time out in the elements, we need a flask to be strong enough to take a beating from time to time.

From time to time we’ll throw our bag down onto a sea ledge, drop our flasks from the top of a climb or use them to knock a tent peg into the ground.
After a few months of ‘proper’ use the flasks we’ve been using have definitely developed some ‘character’; the odd dent here, a scratch there.
Despite these knocks, the flasks still did their job. After a long day outdoors cold drinks are still cold and hot drinks are still hot AND there’s no leaking.
We were a very happy team discovering a, new, very reliable brand – I think it’s safe to say we’re looking forward to using more Hydro Flask products in the future.

Hydro Flask make vacuum insulated flasks that can take a battering.
If you’d like to learn more about Hydro Flask, their products and some of there great initiatives check out the link below:
Land & Wave train Outdoor Instructors (amongst other things) that give equipment a battering.
Words and photos by Nathaniel Reeks
06 April 2020 by Owen Senior