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The Top 5 Reasons to get your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award DONE.

It’s the time to try things you’ve never had a chance to do & learn skills that'll set you up for life.

There’s loads and loads of reasons to get your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award done.

We’ve rounded up the 5 of the best reasons to invest the time and energy in DofE.

The chance for a NEW adventure 

Pursuing your D of E award gets you out of your comfort zone and into a fresh world of adventure, excitement, experiences & new friendships along the way. 

It’s the time to try things you’ve never had a chance to do & learn skills to equip you for the future – all while having a brilliant time.


Supercharge your CV 

Colleges, companies and  universities hold DofE in high regard. If you’ve got the award on your CV It shows perseverance, commitment, confidence, problem-solving & someone who says ‘YES’ to a challenge.

Qualities that help you stand out from the crowd.

Check out ‘How to Supercharge your CV’ by The Guardian here.

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Leadership & Team Work 

Resolving conflict. A knack for negotiation. The aptitude to innovate. 

In a competitive job market – if you can demonstrate leadership, you’ll often be rewarded with a position that carries more responsibility, the ability to delegate and (naturally) a better salary. 

Those who can lead know how to make important decisions that affect both themselves & people across organisations in future. 

“Leadership is about aligning people to the vision, that means buy-in and communication, motivation and inspiration” ~ (John Kotter, Professor of Leadership at Harvard University – click here for the article)

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D of E forms long-lasting friendships with people who have faced the same challenges along the way.

Where better to get to know people than when taking on an array of fun, wild and sometimes testing activities together?



You might find yourself feeling an improved sense of direction upon achieving D of E. It can help you understand the career direction you might take, learn your strengths & weaknesses and assist in shaping your future through enjoyable experiences.

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For more info, check out our Duke of Edinburgh page here.

19 June 2019 by Owen Senior

We’ve rounded up the Top 5 reasons to finish your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

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