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Outdoor Instructor Training 2015/2016 – The Future is Bright

As ever we’ve looked long and hard at the training course that we offer – we always want to improve what we do (it’s the Land & Wave way).

Outdoor Instructor Training 2015/2016

Another winter of training is over! Time flies – especially when you’re having loads of fun.

outdoor instructor photo

This year’s Outdoor Instructor training course has been wonderful, with 16 awesome candidates who worked really hard and put loads of effort in.

The weather was a tiny bit challenging sometimes. We had 9 (yes 9) named storms to deal with this year, Abigail through Imogen came and went.

As ever we’ve looked long and hard at the training course that we offer – we always want to improve what we do (it’s the Land & Wave way).

We’ve made some improvements that will help make the next course even better…

We’re booking assessment courses at the weekend; this will mean the occasional 7 day week but should give us at least an extra 8 days of training #learnmore

We’re swapping the Basic Expedition Leader Award for the Lowland Leader Award #betterqualifications

We’re going to introduce the 3 star Canoe AND Whitewater Safety & Resucue award alongside all our other paddle sport qualifications #morequalifications

We’re going to include the SPA assessment for anyone that’s ready for it at the end of the course #thebestqualifications

The whole course timetable is going online to help us (and next years candidates) plan better. #goingdigital

We’re going to create a massive online resource full of useful stuff. Log books, syllabuses, lesson plans, maps – you name it, it’ll be there. #makinglifeeasy

We’re going to invest in yet more training for our senior coaches, they’re going to be outdoor pursuit Jedi’s by the time we’re finished with them. #thebestcoaches

There’s also some very exciting but super-secret changes to Land & Wave which will help our Accelerated Instructor Training continue to be best in the business. #biggerandbetter

We’re really proud of our outdoor instructor training.

We’re really proud of this years candidates and what they all achieved in 14 weeks of hard work.

We’re really happy that we can continue to refine and improve our courses, we love making things better.

Adventure for good!

2022 Reflection:

Looking back on how far we have come is incredible, the course now runs for 15 weeks and offers 16 national governing body qualifications, with us averaging 30+ people on the course every year.

26 February 2016 by Owen Senior

We had 9 (yes 9) named storms to deal with this year

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