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Head 2 Home Challenge

George Rogers shows Dorset that Cerebral Palsy can't hold him back in ANYTHING he sets his mind

George Rogers shows Dorset that Cerebral Palsy can’t hold him back in ANYTHING he sets his mind to

Handcycle hitch

In my last update I told you that my handcycle had broken… well nothing’s changed there. However, what has been changing is the weather which is good and bad; good as I’ve been able to get in a few more training sessions and bad because those raining sessions are REALLY HOT! 

The show must go on 

With the handcycle broken (we are putting our best efforts into fixing it… again!) I can still only use my racing chair, my Kaye frame and a kayak. Admittedly, these are the parts of the challenge I always knew would need most work but that doesn’t mean that if it were in my control I would leave the handcycle out completely. 

Screams from the garage 

Anyway, I’m here to tell you what is happening not what’s on hold temporarily.I have been doing a lot of are roller sessions. (At this point I should probably say to my neighbours that I am not being murdered on my rollers in the garage, the noises I am making are purely being made out of effort). 

Keep on rolling 

For those of you out there that don’t know what a roller is, it’s like a treadmill but for a racing wheelchair, you do all the effort and you don’t actually go anywhere! On the rollers I tend to do an interval session and a ‘one minute push, one minute rest session’. These sessions are specifically designed to work me very hard and I enjoy it very much. However, this is where the heat comes into play. My rollers are in the garage and on a really hot day the heat does tend to get sort of trapped, and when you’re doing a lot of cardio  work the heat can be excruciatingly hard to work with to say the least! (Hence the apology to the neighbours). 

Don’t forget the swimming

As well as training for head2home I am obviously training in my swimming as, after all that is what this is all about. I’ve been working a lot with one of my coaches, Dawn, on my technical swimming and times, and this is all going great! There is nothing I like better than getting into an ice cold pool on a warm day!    

Table cricket at Lord’s

Also at the moment my Table Cricket team, Victoria Education centre, have been training hard for the Table Cricket National finals at Lord’s cricket ground in London. Table cricket is played on a table tennis-sized table, here is a link to a video of a previous National Table Cricket finals:  HERE. Our team travelled up to Lord’s last Thursday and returned National Champions on Friday!

George with cup

Thank you 

So, training is going extremely well and not so well at the same time but even when it isn’t going to plan I’m enjoying every minute of it. Also my promise still stands: I will complete this challenge!

Don’t forget to go to George’s sponsor page Land & Wave will give you 10% off Coasteering to every person who sponsors George £10 or more.

09 July 2013 by TheBox

There is nothing I like better than getting into an ice cold pool on a warm day!

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