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Want to host an adventure film night for Nepal?

Would your school or company like to host a Adventure-Film-Night to raise money for Nepal?

Would your school or company like to host a Adventure-Film-Night to raise money for Nepal?

I hosted a ‘fund-raiser film night’ for the Nepal Earthquake last week and managed to raise £350 to help the relief. The main event was the EPIC film about 2 Nepalese men climbing Mount Everest, paragliding from the summit and kayaking to the sea! Having become friends with Babu, one of the team members, over the last 10 years I am lucky enough to have a good insight into how the achieved this.

Now with the second earthquake hitting I started thinking how I could raise more…

I have a fantastic film and programme planned – all I need is places to do it and people to come and enjoy it (and pay for it)

If you are a school or company and have a suitable venue and a crowd of employees, pupils, parents or friends that would like to come then lets work together!

From an orgainsation we would require:

  • A suitable venue to sit a good amount of people
  • We would need at least £200 plus to go to charity from each evening
  • You can set the ticket price
  • You would need to spread the word out amongst your pupils, parents or employees etc

I would come and present the following programme which can be tailored


15 mins – Short introduction into Sano Babu’s early life by Graham Milton

45 mins – Showing the film Hanuman Airlines – Flying of Mount Everest. This film was a highlight of the Banff Mountain Film Festival. Also includes extras.

15-20 mins – A  slide show about Graham’s white water kayaking expedition to The Arun Gorges (the river that drains Everest) and an (attempt!) at a first descent of one of it’s tributaries in March this year.

Q & A’s

This programme can be extended or shortened

Trailer of Hanuman Airlines


I would require ALL proceeds to go directly to organisations on the ground who are helping with the relief effort. I have written about them HERE. This is THE best way to help the people of Nepal.


Hanuman Airlines – Flying of Mount Everest

In April 2011, Sano Babu and Lakpa Sherpa launched a paraglider from Mount Everests summit and kayaked the Ganges to the Indian Ocean. Later in the year the won the National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year by a country mile.

The Expedition Blog

Flying Off Everest Book

The Blurb from Amazon

Perched impossibly on a ridge overlooking a 10,000-foot drop into Tibet, Sano Babu Sunuwar and Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa wait. Heel to toe, connected at the waist by a pair of carabineers that’s connected to nothing else, they stare down the North Face of Mount Everest, a red and white nylon tandem paragliding wing fluttering behind them. They know that jumping off the top of the world marks only the beginning of a longer, more audacious journey. And they know that the two-mile ride down Everest will be the easiest part. If the jump doesn’t kill them.In April 2011 the two unsponsored Nepalis set out on an unprecedented expedition to climb Everest, paraglide from its peak, and paddle nearly 400 miles to the ocean. Little problems wouldn’t stop them. Like the fact that Babu had no technical climbing experience. And that Lakpa had never been kayaking-or swimming. But after summiting, surviving their flight off the world’s tallest mountain, and being arrested, robbed, and nearly drowned-repeatedly-the two friends discovered their adventure had only just begun.

About Me

I first met Babu in 2004 when he was a kayaker! We kayaked around Nepal together with friends sharing some pretty incredible experiences and adventures. We met up again in 2012 a year after he had complete this epic expedition. I was totally awe-inspired as to how he achieved this. I organised a film tour for him  and wrote a blog about unravelling his mantra “Anything is Possible”. We met up again in March this year and I had the pleasure of staying with his family in his home in Pokahara. Babus business, life and country have now just been turned upside down. When I spoke to him yesterday he casually described it as ‘the next adventure’.

14 May 2015 by Owen Senior

The best way to help the people of Nepal.

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