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George Rogers – Training Update

And to have 2 much needed days off training. As you can imagine this was very inspiring and despite how hard this challenge can be, the games themselves, and watching the athletes, made me want to do it even more

A Good Samaritan Saves the Day 

Following the hand cycle disaster you will have read in my earlier post, I put a plea out online for anyone who could help. Thankfully, Mark Higgon from Team Hybrid kindly responded and I now have a fantastic, fully functioning loan hand cycle. It’s far better than my own, with more gears than you can shake a stick at – 27 in total! It’s been really hard to get used to the new hand cycle and difficult to sort out which gear is best for different surfaces like hills etc. However, I’ve been out on it quite a lot this week and despite the blisters and bruises things are looking up! 

Work & Play

After a great training session on Saturday morning with the new hand cycle and managing to complete the entire section in less than an hour (hills and all!) I headed to London to see the Sainsbury’s Anniversary Games.  And to have 2 much needed days off training. As you can imagine this was very inspiring and despite how hard this challenge can be, the games themselves, and watching the athletes, made me want to do it even more.

Battling the wind

Racing wheelchair training has also gone well this week and with the great weather I have finally managed to get out on the beach to do it – windy but great. The whole wheelchair section of the challenge took just over 40 minutes, which is great but I do wonder just how it will feel when I try and put all these sections together on the big day!

Support Keeps Me Going

As you can see from this post everything is looking up. I will keep you all updated. Thank you all for the amazing support and sponsorship so far, I really, really appreciate it.

For more info on my challenge and videos of my training, please head to my facebook page at

30 July 2013 by TheBox

I’ve been out on it quite a lot this week and despite the blisters and bruises things are looking up!

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