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Work For Land & Wave in 2019 | Assistant Instructor

Work as an Assistant Outdoor Instructor. Get qualifications, get experience, get paid. Spend the Summer in Dorset

Jobs at Land & Wave | Assistant Instructor | £8.05 an hour 

Land & Wave Assistant Instructors are important people – they look after our clients and help our instructors keep them safe and happy. 

Our Assistant Instructors work 30 – 40 hours over 5 days a week (normally Monday – Friday) during June, July and August. They always have time to shadow sessions and have adventures.

Free food and accommodation is included.

To be an Outdoor Assistant Instructor you’ll need to show us a real enthusiasm for working in the great outdoors and and have some experience working within a customer service role and have a great work ethic.

We’re based in Swanage, Dorset on the Jurassic Coast.

Staff. Team 2

What do Assistant Instructors do?

All sorts!

  • They help serve our clients breakfast and dinner
  • They shadow our instructors, gaining experience
  • They look after our clients at lunchtimes and in the evenings 
  • They make sure our clients are feeling happy
  • They help us with ‘night duty’ several times each week.
Bushcraft. Thumbs up

Why work for Land & Wave?

There’s lots of reasons to spend a summer in Dorset working for Land & Wave…

  • We’ll pay you £8.05 an hour 
  • We’ll train you and pay for qualifications
  • You’ll get lots of experience and great log books
  • Food and accommodation are free
  • You’ll have time for your own adventures 

Staff. Team

How to Apply 

Check our our website…

Scan Facebook……

Make sure you want to work for us

Then apply here…

Application Portal

09 October 2018 by Owen Senior

Land & Wave employs lots of seasonal Staff every year. Assistant Instructors help us provide a brilliant experience for our clients while they build experience and qualifications for the future.

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