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Career choices for Year 11’s

You’re in Year 11 and things are getting serious. Coursework deadlines are looming, mock exams are never-ending and you only have half a year to go until you’ll be leaving school….forever.

Career Advice for 16-year-olds

You’re in Year 11 and things are getting serious. Coursework deadlines are looming, mock exams are never-ending and you only have half a year to go until you’ll be leaving school….forever.

Amidst the hectic schedule of school, you’ve also got to make one of your biggest life decisions to date.

 ‘Where do I go from here?’

Here’s some advice the Land & Wave team would tell their 16 year old selves…

Sophie Tanner Operations Manager


Sophie Tanner – Operations Manager

” To stop following the crowd. Be brave and don’t just go to the same sixth form as everyone else just because that’s what your mates are doing. Think about what you want to do and research the places that offer the best courses for you.”

Kate Spillman Project Manager

Kate Spillman – Project Manager

“Keep working as your grades stay with you for the rest of your career. Play hard but work harder!!! I was disappointed with my a level results as know I could have worked harder and can’t change it now!!”

Rosie Joy – Head of PR

“To get more hands-on experience. At 16, I would have helped myself a lot by thinking about how I could build my CV with relevant experience. Talk to people with the kinds of jobs you want and ask them what career path they took.”

Will Moy – Project Manager

“I’d tell myself to make the most of being young and the free courses that are available to you. Once you hit 18, a decent Outdoor Instructors Course can cost you thousands. Get the best training you can with professionals in their field while you are still in full-time education.”

How can Land & Wave help you?

The Land & Wave Outdoor Adventure BTEC 3 course is specifically tailored for Dorset school leavers looking for a career in the great outdoors. The FREE two year course trains students to become outdoor instructors. It combines heaps of practical, hands-on training, with classroom based theory.

Equivalent to 3 A-levels Practical training by industry professionals Get work experience within a thriving outdoor adventure company Learning in the great outdoors Amazing sixth form facilities Great links to universities and employment

For more information, visit or call 01202 460440
16 October 2013 by TheBox 

Be brave and don’t just go to the same sixth form as everyone else just because that’s what your mates are doing

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