Willow Wreath






Wreath Workshop

A Willow Wreath Workshop in the heart of atmospheric woodland near Corfe Castle, Dorset.

Sunday 03 December
Workshop 1: 09.30 – 11.30 – FULLY BOOKED
Workshop 2: 12.00 – 14.00 – SPACES AVAILABLE

Decorate your own unique natural willow wreath – ready to hang pride of place this Christmas.

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the outdoors and let your imagination bloom as you design your very own festive wreath masterpiece.

Get creative around the warmth of the roaring campfire under canvas, guided by the expertise of the Dorset Flower Co.

Your Land & Wave host will meet you at the entrance to Burnbake Campsite and walk you into the beautiful woodland, just a short 5 minute walk away.

Make sure you wear warm cosy layers that you don’t mind getting a bit dirty and sturdy footwear suitable for the woods.

Your willow wreath workshop includes a pre-woven willow wreath base to work with and plenty of additional festive decorations and foliage to decorate your wreath as you wish.

Your Land & Wave hosts will keep you fed and watered with tasty mince pies warmed on the campfire and Dorset Tea and locally roasted Carve Coffee.

Join us for a unique festive outdoor experience and take home a beautiful memento of time well spent in the great outdoors.

Book Now

Select Activity Date & Time:
(Click time to select session)
Number of People:*
Please read the Acknowledgement of Risk (above)
First Name*
Last Name*
Enter your Email*
Enter your Phone Number:*
Pay Today:

PLEASE READ the following ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK carefully and share it with everyone in your group.


Acknowledgement of Risk

To be read by each group member and signed overleaf 

(Over 18’s sign for minors in their care)

Bushcraft can involve lighting fires, using sharp tools, preparing food and other associated woodland crafts.

As with all adventurous activities Bushcraft comes with associated risks. Clear instructions will be given on how to complete each activity safely. It is important you listen carefully and follow these instructions.

Please be careful, burns and cuts are likely unless care is taken.

If cooking or preparing fish and game please wash your hands thoroughly and often, hygiene is really important.

When washing your hands please clean under your nails and above your wrist.

Your session may be cut short or cancelled at any point if the instructor deems it inappropriate for any individual's ability. 

You will be involved throughout the activity in the decision making process. If you feel overwhelmed or unwell at any point you MUST tell your instructor who will be able to react accordingly.

Bushcraft is a physical activity that takes place in the great outdoors; accidental injury is possible.

 Accidents can happen; Land & Wave do not accept any responsibility for personal injury unless we have been negligent.

You must tell your instructor about any health issues which may impact your participation such as;

  • Asthma
  • Severe Allergies
  • Mobility Issues 
  • Heart or respiratory issues
  • Mental Health Concerns
  • previous medical issues we should be aware of  (Surgeries) 
  • Or anything else that will impact the activity described above

Inhalers, epipens or any required medication must be carried on your activity.

Before we continue I need to know that you all understand the activity you are about to undertake and its potential risks.

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