Coasteering Acknowledgement of Risk

PLEASE READ the following ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK carefully and share it with everyone in your group.


Acknowledgement of Risk

To be read by each group member.

Coasteering involves exploring a rocky coastline, swimming in moving water, climbing, jumping from height and entering caves. 


The sea is a dynamic environment and conditions can change. Land & Wave Instructors continually monitor swell and tides before and during your sessions.


You will be required to swim and move around in breaking waves and water with currents. It is important that you have Water Confidence, are able to swim 25 metres and understand what you will be doing.


Your session may be cut short or cancelled at any point if the instructor deems it inappropriate for any individual’s ability. 


You will be involved throughout the activity in the decision making process. If you feel overwhelmed or unwell at any point you MUST tell your instructor who will be able to react accordingly.


Coasteering is physically demanding and accidental injury and illness is possible.


Accidents can happen; Land & Wave does not accept any responsibility for personal injury unless we have been negligent. Please follow my instructions at all times.


You must tell your instructor now about any health issues which may impact your participation such as;


  • Asthma
  • Severe Allergies
  • Mobility Issues 
  • Heart or respiratory issues
  • Mental Health Concerns
  • previous medical issues we should be aware of  (Surgeries) 
  • Or anything else that will impact the activity described above


Inhalers, epipens or any required medication must be carried on your activity.


Before we continue I need to know that you all understand the activity you are about to undertake and its potential risks.

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